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Felicity Wood

Felicity Wood


Felicity has a varied commercial and regulatory practice.

Felicity appears in matters concerning business and contractual disputes, property, insurance, corporations’ disputes, insolvency, regulatory prosecutions and investigations, judicial and merits review, professional discipline, workplace health and safety, inquiries and coronial inquests, white collar crime and quasi-criminal matters.  

Felicity holds a Bachelor of Laws (First Class Honours) from the Queensland University of Technology and was awarded the University Medal.

Prior to being called to the Bar, Felicity was a solicitor at Clayton Utz in the commercial litigation team.  She was also the Associate to his Honour Judge Horneman-Wren SC in the District Court of Queensland.

Felicity regularly appears in the State and Federal Courts.  Recent examples include:


  • Appearing (led by G. Thompson KC and A. Psaltis) in a Supreme Court trial concerning misleading and deceptive conduct: PFJV Pty Ltd v Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd [2024] QSC 114.

  • Acting (led by M. Steele KC) for a plaintiff company in relation to the entitlement to rescind an agreement pursuant to s.925A of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

  • Appearing and successfully resisting (led by G. Thompson KC) an application for further security for costs in circumstances where the plaintiff was a trustee: Bartter Enterprises Pty Ltd v PFJV Pty Ltd [2024] QSC 087.

  • Appearing (led by D. Chesterman KC) in the Supreme Court on an application for an injunction.

  • Advising (unled) a Liquidator in relation to an application in the Federal Court pursuant to s.1323 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).

  • Appearing (led by G. Thompson KC) in the District Court on an application for summary judgment in circumstances where advocates immunity was a defence.

  • Appearing (led by D. Chesterman KC) in the Supreme Court for a bank on an application to refuse leave to file an amended pleading and to strike it out.

  • Appearing (led by S. Doyle KC and M. May) for an administrator at trial involving questions concerning whether it was required to be registered for GST and the proper construction of provisions of a development deed and development leases: Nerang Subdivision Pty Ltd & Ors v Hutson & Anor [2023] QSC 268.

  • Appearing (unled) for an individual in the Supreme Court on an application for the reinstatement of a company.

  • Appearing in various Magistrate Court civil applications for individuals and companies, including applications for disclosure.

Administrative and Regulatory

  • Acting (led by A. Scott KC) for an applicant company in judicial review proceedings.

  • Acting (unled) for a regulatory body in professional discipline proceedings.

  • Appearing (unled) for companies in relation to breaches of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld)

  • Appearing (unled) for a company and its sole director in relation to breaches of the Planning Act 2016 (Qld).

  • Appearing (unled) for a company in relation to breaches of the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (Qld).

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