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Georgina Morgan

Georgina Morgan


Georgina’s practice focuses on government litigation, as well as mental health law, criminal law, and administrative and public law. Georgina regularly appears for the Chief Psychiatrist in the Mental Health Court in contested hearings for serious offences, as well as uncontested matters and appeals from the Mental Health Review Tribunal. She also appears as a prosecutor in fraud related matters for the Workers’ Compensation Regulator and for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.


Before joining the private bar in 2023, Georgina practised as an employed barrister in the Prosecutions Team at Crown Law from 2021 to 2023. She appeared in sentences and trials for a range of different government and regulatory clients including Queensland Health and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. She also regularly appeared in the Mental Health Review Tribunal and prepared advices with respect to matters of statutory interpretation, regulatory prosecutions and appeals. As a solicitor at Crown Law, her role also involved the conduct of matters under the Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act 2003. Prior to working at Crown Law, Georgina was an Associate to judges in both the District and Supreme Court.

Georgina is available to be briefed in regulatory matters, criminal law, health law, inquests, commissions of inquiry, employment law, administrative and public law, and mental health matters.

Georgina is a committee member of the Women Lawyers’ Association of Queensland Criminal Lawyers Sub-Committee, the Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (Qld Branch) and the Julian Wagner Memorial Fund. She is also a director of the University of Queensland Law Alumni Association.

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